Feature With Small Image

Contains an image, <H2>, body copy, and CTA button or link. Used to feature a piece of content throughout the site with an accompanying large image and button.

Do use before or after a series of smaller features with <H3> (listed below) or to create variety in a page layout.
Don’t overuse so as they retain their special feel.

Image Specifications

  • Aspect Ratio: 3:2
  • Focal Point: Any
  • Dimensions (px): 1244 x 830
Feature with Small Image block editor icon
Feature with Small Image block editor icon



Callout Title with Content

Callout Content
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce placerat arcu sapien, suscipit tristique ante consectetur ut. Sed vitae consequat eros. In placerat metus et commodo rhoncus. Nunc tincidunt ex libero, eu posuere lorem iaculis et. Ut sit amet blandit dolor, ut fermentum nunc. Mauris vel euismod tellus, ut gravida massa. Suspendisse eu neque nec elit commodo porta.