A block quote is a specially styled section of text, offset or called out on its own, to support the other content on the page. This supports an optional image and optional fields for author and role.
Blockquote (image optional)
Do include block quotes midway through a long article. This adds visual interest and helps to break long copy into smaller sections.
Don’t use an overly long quote. Often block quotes use font sizes/weights that can be overwhelming if used for copy that is very long.
Don’t place a blockquote as the last element on page.
Don’t include quotation marks within the text of the featured quote, as these are present as a design element.
Image Specifications
- Aspect Ratio: Square
- Focal Point: Centered
- Dimensions (px): 515 x 515
- Notes: Headshot or portrait images only
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce placerat arcu sapien, suscipit tristique ante consectetur ut.
Quote – With Image
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce placerat arcu sapien, suscipit tristique ante consectetur ut.
Quote – Without Image
Theme Specific Editor Blocks
Button Set
Call to Action: Large
Call to Action: Small
Card Set
External News Story
Feature Set
Feature with Large Image
Feature with Large Image And Intro
Feature With Small Image
Full Width Image
Home Hero
Image Grid with Text
Link Block
Link Set
Multi Column Content
Video Embed