This contains header styles (<H2>
), body copy, and bullet styles (standard and numbered).
Do use headers in proper order based on hierarchy (<H2>
, <H3>
, <H4>
, etc.), bullets to help support points within a block of copy.
Don’t use headers in an improper order (<H2>
directly under an <H4>
), overuse bullets or use them in place of large amounts of copy.

Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Bold, Italics, Strikethrough
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce placerat arcu sapien, suscipit tristique ante consectetur ut. Sed vitae consequat eros. In placerat metus et commodo rhoncus. Nunc tincidunt ex libero, eu posuere lorem iaculis et. Ut sit amet blandit dolor, ut fermentum nunc. Mauris vel euismod tellus, ut gravida massa. Suspendisse eu neque nec elit commodo porta.
Bulleted List
- one
- two
- sub-one
- sub-two
- three
Numbered List
- one
- sub-one
- sub-two
- two
- three
WordPress Block Editor
The default block editor blocks are still available, with some caveats.
Default Bock Caveats
Due to how the CSS is wrapped, not all text is styled the same as what’s in the Rich Text/WYSIYG block. Such as lists
List Example
An ordered list outside of the Rich Text block won’t be styled with numbers or bullets:
- one
- two
- three
Theme Specific Editor Blocks
Button Set
Call to Action: Large
Call to Action: Small
Card Set
External News Story
Feature Set
Feature with Large Image
Feature with Large Image And Intro
Feature With Small Image
Full Width Image
Home Hero
Image Grid with Text
Link Block
Link Set
Multi Column Content
Video Embed